An Ode to Chocolate Croissant Thursday
Every Thursday, I indulge.
A co-worker and I walk La Colombe in Rittenhouse. We order delicious, flaky, buttery chocolate croissants. She orders a coffee. I indulge a little bit more and get a hot chocolate. With whole milk! Even in August when it's 95 degrees and a gazillion degrees humidity.
We call Thursdays Chocolate Croissant Thursday.
But during the Covid-19 pandemic, we're working from home until further notice and we're self distancing. Since I'm an hour and a half train ride from the nearest La Colombe, I made it happen inside today. Today my Covid-19 photo story is An Ode to Chocolate Croissant Thursday.

I love black and white photography too and experimenting on how you can tell the same story, but in black and white.

Shot on a Sony A7iii, 50mm
Used tripod + Imagining Edge Sony app for self-portraits
Practicing: lighting + self-portraits