Working From Home - Andrea Edit

Office photo pre-new office chair!
I've been working from home since March 11, so almost a full month, Calvin since March 10.
I'm so fortunate that my company took the Covid-19 pandemic seriously. I'm so fortunate that I'm still working. I'm so fortunate that I have a job.
But - it's still been an adjustment.
I'm trying to find ways to stay engaged, stay active, and continue to develop my interests. In so many of these stories, I'm forcing myself to take pictures of things I would never take pictures of (like myself) and seeing if I can make them interesting....or at least documentary-like.
I contemplated breaking all of this up into different posts, but really it's trying to capture a day-in-the life!
So here's a day in my working life - the Andrea Edit. A Calvin Edit will be coming too!
The Mornings
Some mornings I look at my clothes in the closet before I shut the door and just put on the same outfit I've been wearing for I lost track of how many days. Or I just stay in my PJs. I check my emails and get cat cuddles. When Calvin comes downstairs and the cat abandons me for him I check out my to do list.

Changing Scenery as Much as I Can
When I first started working at home, I tended to work all over the house. Sometimes it was trying to find a place to get comfortable. But really it just depended on - is the TV on and I can't concentrate? Am I eating? Is Calvin on a conference call? Did a cat decide to hang out on my lap? After getting a new desk chair, I've been working in the office for most of the day.

I'm just hungry all the time. Can't figure out why since I'm not doing anything but sitting...
I've been eating a lot of cereal. I made some banana muffins with the panic bananas I purchased and didn't eat in time. Banana take center stage in my food choices because I just can't stop buying them when we grocery shop.
We've been trying out some new recipes. We've found some we really love for dinner, but haven't come across anything we just absolutely love for lunch though.
Calvin bought a smoothie maker so we've been making some smoothies. (Oh...see...I do need all those bananas!) But let's be honest, I'm also just straight up eating marshmallows from a bag and Chili Cheese Fritos. (How did I not realize how amazing and wonderful they were until now?) Oh - I also feel sad that I didn't ration my Thin Mints correctly, because they would have been much better in a smoothie than spinach.

Stay Moving
It's amazing how being in an office prompts you to get up and move - even when you have a desk job. For me, it's walking to and from the train station, walking around at lunch, going to the gym, going to Chinatown after work, or just walking to and from meetings! It takes real effort to just move around when you're at home! I try to walk around my neighborhood at least once a day. I try to stretch too. I've discovered that I really love Yoga with Adriene on YouTube!

My New Co-Workers
You may have noticed my furry co-workers who keep me company throughout the day. It's been a real learning curve, discovering what they do all day when we typically aren't home. Things like...lay on the dining room table when they are not allowed! They keep both of us on our toes. No, Ben - get off the table? What's the sound? Oh - it's just Ellie playing in some paper. Just make sure she doesn't eat it! Sam - no, no, no, no. (He is my trouble maker, and while he may look he is innocently sleeping - he is not.)

Benjamin Franklin on the table. Eleanor Roosevelt napping in her special nest that Calvin made for her.

Ellie and her paper.

Samuel Barber plotting his next move.
Shot on a Sony A7iii, 50mm + 24mm
Used tripod + Imagining Edge Sony app for self-portraits
Practicing: lighting + focus + lay flat photograph + self-portraits + consistent editing
Verdict: I need to work more on consistent editing and on light sources for lay flat photos