Pink Hair

This one is pretty self-explanatory! I dyed my hair pink.
I've always wanted to have pink hair, but I didn't realize this was a deep seated desire until I was out of college and into the working world. Office dress codes have prevented me from taking the dive beyond some temporary small pink hair extensions one October when I walked in the Breast Cancer 3 Day.
But...working from home means a different kind of dress code! (Pants with elastic! No bra! The ultimate capsule wardrobe! Pink hair!)
So I ordered myself some Overtone and set about dying my hair.
I made a mess. I dyed the bottom of the tub and had to spend a few hours cleaning it. I ruined a towel. But I have pink hair, and I can check it off of my always wanted to do list!

Photo left: My hair, pre-pink. Plus, I hope this is the only time I'll be in a towel on the internet.
Photo right: I didn't have any gloves and, even if I did, I didn't think it would be a good use of something that is a priceless commodity right now. So, I also have pink hands and nails.

Shot on a Sony A7iii, 24mm
Used tripod + Imagining Edge Sony app for self-portraits
Practicing: lighting + focus + self-portraits + consistent editing
Verdict: Posing is no joke. I think it's something that you have to practice as a photographer to know what you want to be able to demonstrate for clients and other people you are taking photos of.