Play! Learning Guitar
Might as well use the time in the house to do something I've always wanted to do - learn to play guitar. So far I've practiced every day for a week. My fingers and wrists hurt! But I have the A chord down pretty well. Glad I have such a handsome guitar teacher. ;-)

Music used to be a huge part of my life, but, for a lot of reasons, it faded into the background a bit. Only in the past few years have I turned to music to uplift, soothe, celebrate, and mourn - all the things that it is meant to do. It feels good to be playing something again. It feels good to be doing something to take of my mind of all the Covid-19 uncertainty.
By no means can I make music on the guitar yet, but I am feeling inspired to keep on practicing and maybe even get out my flute and try to play some flute/guitar duets!

Shot on a Sony A7iii, 24mm
Shooting: Handheld + tripod + Imagining Edge Sony app
Practicing: lighting + portraits + editing style